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Skincare & Aesthetics in Ringgold, GA

Holly Scott Aesthetics offers comprehensive aesthetic services in Ringgold, GA. Our experienced medical director is dedicated to helping you achieve your desired results through personalized treatments and top-tier services. We understand that everyone’s skin is unique and requires different care. That’s why we offer a wide range of skincare and aesthetic services to cater to the specific needs of our clients. From facials to chemical peels, our services are designed to rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of your skin. We stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques in skincare and aesthetics, ensuring that you receive the highest quality treatment possible.


Meet Your Injector

Holly was born and raised in the small town of Robbins, North Carolina. After graduating high school, she attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2018. For the last 5 years, she has gained experience in Emergency and Trauma, Trauma ICU, and Neurosurgical ICU. These very specialized, acute care settings helped prepare her to be a highly trained independent nurse injector. Having an acute eye for detail, advanced knowledge anatomy and body systems, and preparedness in case of emergencies, all are important skills to possess as an aesthetics nurse. Holly believes in the uniqueness of every individual. Her ultimate goal as a lead aesthetician is to provide each client with a personalized experience.

Providing Customized Aesthetic Experiences

Holly’s Aesthetic training was completed with SMILEY Aesthetics and in April 2023 she joined their team as an independent injector. Holly has continued to build her clientele and expand services in Ringgold, GA. Holly’s office is located inside of JJ Angelina’s in Ringgold, offering her services to existing clientele, and welcoming new clients. Continuing education is critical to the aesthetics field due to constant research and change. Holly is continually attending trainings, and expanding her knowledge for her practice and clients. Because every individual wants to age differently, Holly creates a personalized plan based on each patient’s needs. She takes the time to get to know each of her clients and dig deep into their aesthetic and wellness goals.

Elevating Wellness & Beauty

Our mission is to educate, elevate, and enhance the beauty and well-being of our clients through the skilled and caring hands of a registered nurse. We are committed to providing personalized aesthetic services, fostering a deep understanding of individual needs, and empowering our clients with knowledge. Through continuous education, we elevate our standards, ensuring the highest level of expertise and safety. Our goal is to enhance not only the outer beauty but also the inner confidence of each individual we serve, creating a harmonious balance that reflects in every radiant smile and renewed spirit.


aethetics desk

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Where Innovation Meets Personalized Skincare