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Revitalize With Injectables in Ringgold, GA

Holly Scott Aesthetics offers rejuvenating injectables in Ringgold, GA. We understand the importance of feeling confident in your own skin, and our team of medical professionals are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired look. Our services will help restore your youthful glow, enhancing natural beauty with precision and care. We offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments used to improve the appearance of various areas on the face and body. These injectables can target a variety of concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, volume loss, and more. Our highly trained professionals use top-quality injectable products to provide personalized treatment plans that cater to each individual’s unique needs.

forehead botox injection

Botox Cosmetic Treatment

Botox is our preferred neuromodulator for reducing wrinkles due to its extensive and well-researched efficacy. Botox effectively targets dynamic wrinkles, including crow’s feet, frown lines, worry lines, and more. By temporarily relaxing specific facial muscles, Botox smooths existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones. Each session lasts only 15-30 minutes, with visible results appearing within 5-10 days and reaching their peak at 2-4 weeks. The benefits of Botox duration is for 3-4 months with full correction, providing clients with a sustained and refreshed appearance.

Enhance Natural Beauty With Juvéderm Filler

As we grow older, the natural elasticity of our skin decreases, leading to the formation of wrinkles. Dermal fillers can smooth fine lines, restore lost volume, and enhance facial contours and are a non-surgical method of rejuvenating your appearance. We highly recommend the renowned Juvéderm collection of fillers for their exceptional quality and versatility. Whether you want to erase nasolabial folds, plump your lips, or restore youthful fullness, Juvéderm fillers offer customized solutions for natural and long-lasting enhancements. Choose Holly Scott Aesthetics for personalized and expertly administered Juvéderm fillers, ensuring you achieve the desired rejuvenated look with confidence.

close up of person's face

SKINVIVE for Healthy and Radiant Skin

SKINVIVE™ enhances the smoothness of the cheeks and is the first and only hyaluronic acid (HA) microdroplet injectable approved by the FDA in the United States. This revolutionary treatment boosts skin hydration, resulting in improved smoothness and a radiant glow that can last for up to 6 months with proper care. SKINVIVE™ boasts a heightened level of satisfaction with the visible glow, hydration, and overall healthy appearance of patients’ skin. We wholeheartedly embrace innovation, and SKINVIVE™ serves as a prime example of our unwavering dedication to providing cutting-edge solutions for all your aesthetic needs.

Reduce Signs of Aging With Sculptra

Sculptra is an FDA-approved dermal filler that addresses the root cause of facial aging by stimulating collagen growth. This innovative approach effectively restores volume to areas affected by wrinkles and folds, resulting in a natural and youthful appearance. With Sculptra’s gradual collagen-building process, the results are long-lasting, enhancing skin elasticity and suppleness over time. If you desire a non-surgical solution for facial rejuvenation that delivers enduring effects, our tailored Sculptra services are precisely what you need to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Redefine Your Profile With Kybella

Eliminate submental fat and redefine your profile with the remarkable power of Kybella®. This groundbreaking injectable treatment targets submental fat, effectively dissolving it without the need for surgery or long recovery times. The key ingredient in Kybella® is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that breaks down and absorbs dietary fat. By administering precise injections under the chin, we systematically eliminate fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness. Once these fat cells are eliminated, they lose their ability to store or accumulate fat, ensuring lasting results. Kybella® offers a non-invasive solution to sculpt your profile and achieve a more contoured appearance.

aethetics desk

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Where Innovation Meets Personalized Skincare